Beira_interieure_Sud Portugal
Beira_interieure_Sud Portugal
Alava Spain
Biscaye Spain
Biscaye Spain
Biscaye Spain
Beira_interieure_Sud Portugal
Network of public and private players in Normandy in the field of ageing, in fields as different as town planning, housing, health, mobility, leisure, the Silver Economy and local services, research and training. Normandy France
Manger Bio 35 is one of France’s pioneers in supplying organic and local products for collective catering, particularly school canteens. Brittany France
Nutrition-Food-Metabolism-Health Scientific Interest Group was created in Brittany in 2014 to encourage the main academic players and the local agri-food industry to mobilise around multidisciplinary projects. Brittany France
Cova_da_Beira Portugal
Down United_Kingdom_Northern_Ireland
Serra_da_Estrela Portugal
Lugo Spain
Green Isle Foods is involved in many food sectors from fish processing to frozen veg & convenience foods processing. Dublin Republic of Ireland